10am – 4pm
10am – 4pm
10am – 4pm
(705) 246-2025
Building Permits
The Township of Jocelyn employs a Building Inspector and Chief Building Official.
The Building Inspector’s responsibilities are numerous, one of which is to ensure the proper building codes were followed during construction. Demolition and building permits can be obtained at the municipal offices.
The Chief Building Official issues building permits. To enquire about Building Permits please call (705) 246-2025.
Fire Permits
Fire permits can now be completed online using the link below.
Fire permits are free and are required for outdoor burning from April 1 through October 31 . Whenever the Ministry of Natural Resources issues a ban on burning, all permits are cancelled until the ban has been lifted.
Trailer Permits
A trailer that is used for occupancy, sleeping, eating or living accommodation, temporary or otherwise should first obtain a permit through the municipality. A permit will only be issued for one trailer per property. Permits can be obtained through the Jocelyn Township Office or applied for with the application below.
For information call 705-246-2025 or email
Dog Licenses & Tags
Dog licenses and tags are required within Jocelyn Township and are to be renewed annually. They can be picked up at the Jocelyn Township Office during office hours.
For information call 705-246-2025 or email
Kevin Morris
Tulloch Engineering
Phone: (705) 842-3372 or 1-800-797-2997
Fax: (705) 842-2658
Cell: (705) 542-4462
Click here to download a Print Form or fill out the Web Form below.
Tuesday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Closed for lunch: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Closed on all statutory holidays.*
If you have any questions or concerns that we might be able to help you with please contact us.
Phone: (705) 246-2025
Fax: (705) 246-3282
3670 5th Side Road
R.R #1
Hilton Beach, ON
Monday 10:00am- 4:00pm
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 10:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm
Closed on all statutory holidays